Friday, May 9, 2008

KASY Senior Banquet 2008

Hello! The school year is finally winding down. Most people are finishing up their finals and heading home *tear* The 2008 Senior banquet took place on Thursday, May 1 at Zaroka Restaurant. A bigger turnout would have been nice, but hey we still had a great time.
A picture of the 2008 Senior guys opening their gifts. Pictured from left to right: Andy, Justin, and James.

And of course, the lovely Senior girls with their gifts. Pictured from left to right: Gloria and Carol. Don't worry they received a whole set of plates. We're not that stingy!
In addition to just chillin and eating some great food, we watched an excellent slideshow that was hilarious. The old and new board officially exchanged positions as well. Congrats to the 2007-2008 KASY Board for all the work they did this past year! Congrats to the 2008 Seniors as well! We'll miss you guys!

Have a great summer everyone! Class of 2012 we're looking forward to meeting you next year! get excited!