Friday, April 15, 2011

UNITY Spring Concert and Workshop

UNITY, Korean Traditional Drum and Dance Troupe at Yale, is presenting the first Spring concert in years. The concert will feature samul, a unique percussion music of Korea, drum dancing, and an ensemble of piano and traditional string instrument haegum. The performance will be followed by an interactive workshop in which the audience can learn the rhythms and make music together (the true Korean music spirit!).

Saturday, April 16, 8:00pm
African-American Cultural House Enormous Room, 211 Park St.
Admission Free, Refreshments will be served

Sponsored by Berkeley Master's House

The program:
1) Uttadri Samulnori
2) Soljanggo (Hourglass Drum Dancing)
3) Kpop/Pop medley (Haegum, Piano, Janggo trio)
4) Samdo Samulnori
5) Poongmool: Gajinyoungsan (interactive workshop)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

KASY Cultural Show

Friday April 8th
Morse College Dining Hall
Silliman Creative Arts Project

Do you love Korean culture? Want to see people dance to K-Pop? Just love all things Korean?

Start off your weekend with KASY's annual Cultural Show, featuring the freshmen boys' dance, girls' dance, Hanbok (traditional Korean clothing) Fashion Show, singing performances, Yale Unity, Tae Kwon Do, and much, much more!
Starring: Sarah Kang BK ‘14 as Chunhyang, Paul Han CC ‘14 as Monyong, and Wonyong Chung SM ‘14 as Byun

P.S. It's FREE! Don't miss out on performances all of your friends are going to talk about all weekend!