Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Welcome Back!

Hello Freshmen and returning Yalies!
I hope that your summers have been relaxing and enjoyable.  Frosh, it was wonderful seeing your beautiful faces at the Bazaar and I really hope that ALL of you come out to our first meeting. One of the things I like most about KASY is the strong community of Korean friends that it offers, something that I lacked in high school.  So I hope that all of you will have a great time with KASY too.  If you're not Korean, don't be discouraged, we're all still really cool people haha.  Anyways if you ever have any questions about the club feel free to approach myself or anyone in KASY. I know the website is terribly out-dated and I will work on that, just give me a little time haha.  Everyone else, I can't wait to see you all again.  Just a few reminders.  

KASY BBQ: Sept 6th 11:30 A.M.
1st General meeting: Sept 9th  at 9:00 P.M.

Watch for e-mails with more details about locations.  This is just a heads up.